Natalie Twigg-Baetke,




Natalie began her career working in the sales department with KONE Spares in 2000. With 23 years elevator and escalator experience, Natalie has built and continues to nurture numerous relationships within the industry across the US and Abroad. Natalie’s possesses a knowledge of parts for all types of units and many across the US find that rather than struggling to locate a part, they can save themselves valuable time by simply picking up the phone and calling Natalie. Natalie is resourceful and helpful and with her “can do” and “I’ll find your part” attitude, Natalie is sure to earn your respect when it comes to finding those hard to find parts for your elevator or escalator needs. In 2023, Natalie will shift her focus from building PEAK ELEVATOR PARTS warehouses and operations, and begin hitting the streets to shake hands and build relationships. Reach out to Natalie and be first on her list of “people to see” in 2023!